Jurnal Elkasista http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka <p>Jurnal Elkasista Poltekad membahas tentang keilmuan yang berhubungan dengan sensor transducer, sistem kontrol, <em>artificial intelligent, </em>sistem rangkaian analog digital, micro controller dan interfacing.</p> <p>Nomor ISSN : 2723-1291<br />Keterangan: Kategori Teknik<br />SK no. 0005.27231291/Jl.3.1/SK.ISSN/2020.07 - 20 Juli 2020</p> en-US [email protected] (Myr. Cba (K) Theresia Dwi S., S.E., S. Pd., M. Pd.) [email protected] (Pustaka Poltekad) Thu, 31 Oct 2024 17:55:06 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 A ANALISIS METODE KALMAN FILTER PADA GYROSCOPE UNTUK MENGURANGI NOISE GUNA MENINGKATKAN RESPONSIBILITAS DALAM SIMULATOR MENEMBAK http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/535 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa efektif metode Kalman Filter dalam mengurangi noise pada sinyal gyroscope untuk meningkatkan responsibilitas simulator menembak. Dengan menggunakan Kalman Filter, data dari gyroscope menjadi lebih akurat, sehingga pengalaman dalam simulasi menembak menjadi lebih realistis. Sinyal yang lebih jelas tidak hanya meningkatkan akurasi orientasi, tetapi juga mengurangi waktu respons sistem, membuat simulator lebih cepat dan tepat dalam merespons input dari pengguna. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kalman Filter secara signifikan meningkatkan kinerja simulator menembak, yang sangat penting dalam konteks militer dan keamanan di mana akurasi dan respons cepat sangat dibutuhkan.</p> Dekki Widiatmoko, Rokhim Utomo Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Elkasista http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/535 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 A Implementasi Rangkaian Seri Thermoelectrik Generator untuk Meningkatkan Tegangan Output sebesar 5V sebagai pengisi daya HT guna mendukung tugas TNI http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/528 <p>This research aims to implement a TEG series circuit to achieve an output voltage that exceeds 5V, so that it can charge the HT. The method used in this research involves configuring several TEG modules in series to increase the overall voltage. This research begins with selecting an appropriate TEG and arranging it into a series circuit, followed by testing to measure the output voltage and system efficiency at variable temperatures. Trials also prove that increasing the module in a series circuit can significantly increase the output voltage, but temperature and electrical stability require special attention to improve equipment performance. The conclusion of this research is that the TEG series circuit is more effective in increasing the output voltage for HT charging. with results according to the desired target. Suggestions for further research include exploring the use of the TEG module to get maximum results, as well as developing a better temperature management system to optimize performance in real conditions. This research provides a clear basis for the development of TEG-based charging technology in other applications that require high voltage.</p> <p>Keywords: Thermoelectric Generator, Series Circuit, Voltage Increase</p> <p>,HT Charging ,Energy Efficiency.</p> Imam Ashar, Wahyu imamfauziwibisono Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Elkasista http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/528 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Battery Charging Using 100 Wp Solar Cells as Power Supply for Water Desalination Equipment http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/533 <p><span class="fontstyle0">This study analyzed battery charging using a 100 Wp solar cell as a<br>power source in a water desalination device. The main goal is to find out the<br>amount of energy produced by the 100 W solar cell and the optimal battery<br>charging time. The research method involves the use of various components such<br>as solar charge controllers, 12-volt batteries, and inverters. The results showed<br>that the energy capacity stored in the battery reached 768 Wh, with the highest<br>charging efficiency on the fourth day of 137 Wh. Battery charging is affected by the<br>intensity of sunlight, weather conditions, and the working position of the solar cell.<br>Tests also show that the electrical energy generated can support the desalination<br>device for 10 hours with varying filling efficiency due to environmental factors. This<br>research provides insight into the efficiency of solar power systems in varying<br>weather conditions and their practical applications in water desalination.</span> </p> Dodo Irmanto, Jeffri Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Elkasista http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/533 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 A SISTEM PENANDA WAKTU AKTIVITAS KEGIATAN BINTARA MAHASISWA POLTEKAD MENGGUNAKAN RTC BERBASIS ATMEGA328 http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/531 <p>This research aims to develop an activity time marking system specifically designed for the daily activities of Poltekad Student Non-Commissioned Officers such as prayer times, meal times, sports roll call times and checking roll times, using an ATmega328 microcontroller. This system will use an RTC (Real-Time Clock) module to maintain accurate time and provide notifications via sound notification or alarm. By utilizing assistive technology, this system will help users remember and organize their various daily activities. Microcontroller programming and hardware interfacing are an integral part of the development of this system, which is expected to increase accessibility and timeliness when carrying out an activity.</p> Agung Tri Wicaksono, Farit Hendro Wibowo, Miftahul Walid Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Elkasista http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/531 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Teknologi IMPLEMENTRASI SISTEM MONITORING PADA PEMICU LEDAKAN DEKTONATOR JARAK JAUH GUNA DISPOSAL MUNISI http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/534 <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Dalam penelitian ini, diterapkan sebuah sistem pemantauan pemicu detonator jarak jauh untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan efektivitas dalam prosedur pembuangan amunisi. Dengan pemantauan dan pengelolaan detonator secara jarak jauh, perangkat ini mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya kecelakaan dan meningkatkan pengawasan terhadap protokol pembuangan amunisi. Pengujian lapangan digunakan dalam proses desain perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak sistem pemantauan untuk menilai kinerja sistem dalam berbagai kondisi operasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan ini dapat memberikan intervensi cepat dalam situasi darurat dan menyediakan informasi real-time mengenai kondisi detonator. Kami percaya bahwa pemasangan sistem pemantauan ini akan menjadi pendekatan baru untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan keamanan dalam pembuangan amunisi sambil mengurangi risiko bagi pihak-pihak yang terlibat.</span></span></em></p> Fajar Kholid, Hendarto sihotang, Supriyono Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Elkasista http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/534 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 a IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM KENDALI PEMICU LEDAKAN DETONATOR BERBASIS SMART RELAY GUNA MENDUKUNG DISPOSAL MUNISI http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/530 <p><em>In the process of munitions disposal, there are sometimes challenges that can pose risks to personnel or damage equipment. To address this, a smart relay system was developed with the aim of creating and testing a detonation control system to support munitions disposal in military operations. This research used an experimental approach, where the system was tested at various distances and environmental conditions. The testing aimed to measure response speed, relay activation success rate, and signal range. The results showed that the **smart relay** system was capable of operating with a fast response time up to a distance of 250 meters, with a success rate of 98% in the laboratory and 96% in outdoor conditions. However, the system still faces challenges in terms of signal range and battery life, especially at distances over 400 meters or in extreme environmental conditions. In conclusion, this control system is effective and efficient in enhancing the safety of munitions disposal. However, further development is needed to extend the signal range and optimize battery life. It is recommended to integrate stronger communication technology and more efficient batteries to improve the system's stability and performance in the field.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Control system, Smart Relay, ammunition disposal, signal range</em></p> Mokhammad Syafaat, Wira Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Elkasista http://journal.poltekad.ac.id/index.php/elka/article/view/530 Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700